Oregon Band Directors Association
Membership Meeting Meeting Agenda 2-16-2019 I. Call to order II. Roll call III. Open issues a) Update on revising the state literature list (Stuart Welsh). We will use the existing list and Stuart will pick his committee to add new works each year. Substitutions will still be allowed. Approved by the Executive Board. b) Establishing a middle school literature list (Laura Arthur) c) Update on revising the OBDA Constitution and By-Laws. Ben Lawson will chair the Constitution & By-Laws Committee and will recommend updates to our current practices. d) Proposal to split our largest district. Approved by the Executive Board. The Northwest District will be Regions 3, 14, and 15; The Northern Region will be Regions 1, 2, and 13. e) Mentor Program: Need nominations for someone to chair this program (Dave Sime?) f) Middle School Mentor: Need nominations for someone to chair this program IV. New business a) Treasurer’s Report: Second signature on bank account b) Election of Regional Chairs c) Proposal to increase dues from $20 every two years to $25 every two years. Approved by the Executive Board. d) Proposal to commission a new work every two years, alternating between high school and middle school. Proposed buy-in: $100 e) Proposal that OBDA maintain 3 original scores of the top solos to save students money at contest. f) Proposed archival resource projects: 1. All literature played at the state contest. 2. List of solo and ensemble winners and what they performed. 3. List of ensemble literature winners and what they played. g) Discuss certification of string adjudicators: Does OBDA wish to continue to certify, or should we explore the possibility of ASTA assuming this role? h) Any other business for the good of the order? V. Adjournment See link below for full minutes. Oregon Band Directors Association
Executive Board Meeting Summary of Minutes 12-9-2018 I. Call to order Michael Burch-Pesses called to order the executive board meeting of the Oregon Band Directors Association at 12:00pm on Sunday, December 9th, 2018 at 9710 S.E. Washington St., Portland, OR 97216. II. Roll call Eben A. Fernando Heldreth conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Michael Burch-Pesses, Ben Lawson, Stuart Welsh, Kevin Egan, Noelle Freshner, Eben A. Fernando Heldreth, and Jennifer Muller. III. Open issues a) Elections for New Board Members and New Chair b) Updating State Literature List c) Establishment of Middle School Literature List d) Proposal to Split Largest District e) Treasurer’s Report f) Proposal for Commissioning New Work Every Two Years g) Mentorship and Mentor Request IV. New business a) Archival Resource Project V. Adjournment Michael Burch-Pesses adjourned the meeting at 3pm. Minutes submitted by: Eben A. Fernando Heldreth on Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 2019 Minutes approved by: Michael Burch-Pesses on Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 2019 See link below for full minutes. OBDA Meeting
Wednesday, August 8, 2018 Lake Oswego High School Jeff Hornick- Thanked everyone for being here. Passing reigns to Michael. Michael- Thanked Jeff for his service. Reading of the January meeting minutes- Michael No voting today. We will do our voting at the January meeting. Motion made to approve the minutes- Approved. Email from Mary Lou Boderman: OSAA new people are KT Emerson and Kelly Foster. Recommended to host a meeting on State In-service day in Salem to meet with KT at Sprague HS in Salem. Friday October 12th 3:30-5 Michael asked for a show of hands for anyone interested. Only a few hands went up. He will relay that to Mary Lou. An email was sent out from Michael sent a few weeks back with agenda. Has always thought of OBDA as a sleeping giant. Have not done much over the past few years. This agenda is a step in that direction. At lunch OBDA was discussed by board members and was interesting and disheartening. Not much motivation by members to do much. He will be changing this. MS Lit list- Laura Arthur. In March/April she made a list of MS directors from each OMEA districts. 10 years of experience plus retired directors and sent them a Google form to get I info about great MS music. Asked for more than just composer and title. Specific reasons for inclusion on the list. She wants it to be a resource that was easy to reference. Half of those contacted responded with a total of around100 pieces, half said they were too busy to do it. She would like to now send it to the membership. Wants stuff that works. Lower grades focused. Noelle asked if the link could be shared with other reputable directors and she said yes. She will be sending that via Noelle to send to the membership. Request that we create an OBDA FAQ sheet. What does OBDA do? Etc….. Ben Lawson put one together and we emailed it out last week. Review of the bylaws needs to be done for vote in January. How they compare with OMEA, officer titles, and such. OBDA Mentor Program- Michael Jane F. did this years ago and it did not continue to anyone new. He will be the clearing house for mentors. If you have the expertise, knowledge and desire to help contact Michael and he will evaluate and get a list available on the website. Jennifer brought up that people might not actively seek out the help. Michael said feel free to send info of anyone who you believe needs a mentor to him. It was brought up that the Board of Directors positions would be in a good position to do this. OBDA Lit List Update Suggestions for additions or changes should be sent to Michael. Stewart? Not sure his involvement. Chuck needs to be meet with. Dave Sime as well. Proposal to split Portland Metro area Board of Director area in half. Board needs to discuss and we will vote on that. You will be getting emails to discuss. Membership- Noelle If you would like to renew or join see me or use the website and paypal to do so. New Business: Commissions on the regular- Mandy Mullett It was suggested that we try to do this every 2 years or so…… Jazz too…. Buy in was high so OBDA may not need to put in much to keep this happening. Spending: Pizza party has not happened in years. OBDA bylaws state that we need to meet at All State. Host a lunch at reading session?? Incentive to get more people here for a meeting was expressed. We need more people. Use to do a sit down dinner at All-State (over 15 years ago). Contact: Michael said to contact him with anything. Meeting Adjourned. 1) MS commission proposal—Mandy Burton
Summary: OBDA will contribute $1000 towards the commission of a piece to be written by Willie Owens which will be premiered by the All-State MS Honor Band at the 2019 OMEA conference. The remainder of the commission fee ($3000) will be raised via a consortium to be put in place by Mandy Burton. OBDA would be named on the title page as the lead member of the consortium. Mr. Owens would be contracted by OMEA to be the conductor of the honor band at the premiere. 2) OBDA Website—Jeff Hornick Summary: OBDA’s new webmaster will create a new website using Weebly. New website will require maintenance fees of approximately $150/year. 3) All-State Symphonic Band Conductor—Chris Chapman Summary: OBDA would make a recommendation to OMEA that the All-State High School Symphonic Band (aka “second band”) conductor be chosen from among the states active and retired collegiate band directors. 4) OBDA Executive Board nomenclature—Jeff Hornick Summary: This is a by-law revision that would return the titles of the members of the Executive Board to the original nomenclature: President-elect, President, Past-President. 5) OBDA President duties (all-state managers)—Jeff Hornick Summary: This proposal adds language to the appropriate section of the by-laws. The addition would read: “The OBDA President shall work with the OMEA Executive Board to appoint managers for the various all-state high school (non-jazz) honor bands.” Dear Members,
I can hardly believe that it is already near the end of July and time to start thinking about firing things up (if you haven't already) for the 2017-18 school year. Towards that end I'd like to encourage everyone to attend this year's Reading Session of New and Proven Concert and Jazz Band Music, sponsored by Beacock Music. Further information (including registration, location, fees, etc.) can be found here: http://beacockmusic.com/t-2017readingsession.aspx We are once again fortunate to have some great clinicians and conductors who have picked out some fantastic literature. As always, the camaraderie and collegiality promises to be first rate, too! In addition, the OBDA by-laws specify that one of our two mandated semi-yearly meetings happens at the reading session and I would like to try and follow that directive. I am currently leaning towards having the meeting on Wednesday of that week, either before or after the day's regular session. I am, however, open to suggestions. In any event, I look forward to renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Musically, Jeff Hornick President, OBDA OBDA Meeting January 14th, 2017 OMEA Conference 4pm
Kevin- Account is at just over $2,100 at this time. Mandy Mullett- MS commission project could not move forward due to lack of funds. Discussion about ways to try to keep moving forward with a cost share, or OMEA districts support. Possibility of a different composer was also discussed. William Owens was initially contacted and also wanted to conduct the honor band the year of the premier if he wrote the piece. Membership Update- Noelle Available to update dues and check status at and after the meeting. Jeff opened by discussing that we have not been following the By-laws regarding the duties of the President, regarding mostly the responsibility of that position to be in charge of honor groups and our lack of the 5 Board of Director positions. The 5 Board of Director positions would represent 5 areas of the state, designated by specific OMEA districts. The hope would be that the 5 would be a mix of large HS, small HS and MS directors at all times. Discussion about how to do that, if it does or does not require specifying in the by-laws or if that could be done by the nomination and election process. What does OBDA do? Members contributed the following things from previous OBDA experience: -Help select band sessions for conference. -Bring items to OMEA. President is the OMEA Band Chair -Website -Adjudication List -Facebook Group Why we started it? Early 80s from request from college band directors concerns with director burn-out. A group got together and asked if we should have an organization and everyone agreed. A group to bring and discuss issues and projects that are just band, to bring things to OMEA. The band chair is elected by band directors, so it unified them behind good people who. Guidelines passed, task forces etc.... They were able to assist in getting guidelines into place that helped band directors state wide. New Ideas: Outreach to new directors needed. Michael has something about that later. Website- only Nancy has access to update it. She is only updating when people contact her with information that they want posted. Assumptions should not be made that if they post it somewhere else she is going to take it and put it on the website. Currently there is a lack of info at this time there regarding festivals and dates for people to use as a resource. Noelle asked if others could have access to the site, like the entire board to make updates to the site as needed. Asked if membership info is available on the website. Not yet as we are updating a very outdated membership list at this time, but we are working to get one up and available for everyone to reference soon. Projects and Initiatives: Mentor Project- Michael Burch-Pesses. OBDA at one time had one. OBDA assigned individuals to a new teacher. An idea was to have Board of Directors work with OMEA Districts they are assigned to, to find new teachers and link them with mentor teachers. The previous version of this folded because of lack of communication and young teachers being afraid to ask for help. The membership was asked if they have been teaching for 3 or more years and if any of them would be willing to mentor anyone. Almost the whole room raised their hands. Lit List: Dave Becker has retired. Stuart Welsh would be taking over and adding solo and ensemble lists as well. Dave willing to do approvals with Chuck Bolton till a change is made. Kevin Egan wants it made clear that the solo/ensemble list is not a “must play” list but a “recommended” list. Back to elections: Not enough time to discuss or vote on anything discussed tonight. It was agreed that our current president Jeff Hornick will communicate to the membership and get things moving before the next meeting. Noelle Freshner brought up that there is not a secretary on the board. No discussion, just a ridiculous nomination. Meeting adjourned at just before 5pm. |